Camel Pro Coffee Decaf Light Roast Limited Edition
Caffeine affects everyone differently. Not all coffee has to get you jazzed up and bouncing off the rev limiter for 25 laps.
In house, we call this our "Rusty Rogers Blend" AKA The Human Highlight Reel, AKA Wreckers or Checkers.
We recall the 1992 race in Mineral Wells, West Virginia. Rain delays made for a rough track with a very late starting time. Rusty started 9th and was leading the race after sneaking by early leader Will Davis on lap 5 or so. Davis didn't give up however and was able to pass Rusty back after a few laps and the top 3 started to pull away. As the laps started winding down, Rusty had a late race charge coming. Off of turn 2 for the last time Rogers and Davis were side by side and drag raced down the back straightaway. Davis running his usual high line had the advantage and momentum going into turn 3. Rusty dove to the bottom of the track in an effort to beat Davis to the apex of the corner and block his drive off of 4. A valiant and what would have been epic last corner pass for the win instead saw Rusty grab an eager handful of gas, in which the motorcycle responded by stepping out sideways and promptly ejecting him off in a violent and horrific motorcycle destroying high side. It was "Yardsaled" as they say... He went from 2nd to be scored 14th.
So, if other coffee gets ya all jacked up, we recommend giving this Camel Pro Decaf blend a try. It doesn't always have to be Wreckers or Checkers.
Caffeine affects everyone differently. Not all coffee has to get you jazzed up and bouncing off the rev limiter for 25 laps.
In house, we call this our "Rusty Rogers Blend" AKA The Human Highlight Reel, AKA Wreckers or Checkers.
We recall the 1992 race in Mineral Wells, West Virginia. Rain delays made for a rough track with a very late starting time. Rusty started 9th and was leading the race after sneaking by early leader Will Davis on lap 5 or so. Davis didn't give up however and was able to pass Rusty back after a few laps and the top 3 started to pull away. As the laps started winding down, Rusty had a late race charge coming. Off of turn 2 for the last time Rogers and Davis were side by side and drag raced down the back straightaway. Davis running his usual high line had the advantage and momentum going into turn 3. Rusty dove to the bottom of the track in an effort to beat Davis to the apex of the corner and block his drive off of 4. A valiant and what would have been epic last corner pass for the win instead saw Rusty grab an eager handful of gas, in which the motorcycle responded by stepping out sideways and promptly ejecting him off in a violent and horrific motorcycle destroying high side. It was "Yardsaled" as they say... He went from 2nd to be scored 14th.
So, if other coffee gets ya all jacked up, we recommend giving this Camel Pro Decaf blend a try. It doesn't always have to be Wreckers or Checkers.
Caffeine affects everyone differently. Not all coffee has to get you jazzed up and bouncing off the rev limiter for 25 laps.
In house, we call this our "Rusty Rogers Blend" AKA The Human Highlight Reel, AKA Wreckers or Checkers.
We recall the 1992 race in Mineral Wells, West Virginia. Rain delays made for a rough track with a very late starting time. Rusty started 9th and was leading the race after sneaking by early leader Will Davis on lap 5 or so. Davis didn't give up however and was able to pass Rusty back after a few laps and the top 3 started to pull away. As the laps started winding down, Rusty had a late race charge coming. Off of turn 2 for the last time Rogers and Davis were side by side and drag raced down the back straightaway. Davis running his usual high line had the advantage and momentum going into turn 3. Rusty dove to the bottom of the track in an effort to beat Davis to the apex of the corner and block his drive off of 4. A valiant and what would have been epic last corner pass for the win instead saw Rusty grab an eager handful of gas, in which the motorcycle responded by stepping out sideways and promptly ejecting him off in a violent and horrific motorcycle destroying high side. It was "Yardsaled" as they say... He went from 2nd to be scored 14th.
So, if other coffee gets ya all jacked up, we recommend giving this Camel Pro Decaf blend a try. It doesn't always have to be Wreckers or Checkers.